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Carers’ support

Support from the surgery

If you’re a Carer who helps and supports someone who can’t manage on their own, we want to ensure you get all the support you need.

  • Carers’ Support Policy

    If you identify yourself as a carer our staff, following our carers’ support policy, can provide you with extra support.

  • Register as a Carer

    It is important that we know if you are a carer so that we can make sure you receive information, services and the help that is available. If you are a carer please complete our online form.

At Aspen Medical Practice we offer:

  • Flexibility around appointments
  • Support from our prescriptions team
  • Annual flu immunisation
  • Health checks for carers
  • Carer information packs from reception or the wellbeing centre of our website
  • Dedicated carers’ champions within the surgery
  • Named GP for young carers to help build rapport and continuity

We would like to hold this information in your medical record, this will help us provide support as necessary and have a better understanding of your needs.

With your permission, we will refer you to Carers Gloucestershire or Gloucestershire Young Carers if you are under the age of 18. These countywide organisations provide relevant information and advice, local support services, newsletter and telephone help for carers. They are able to assess your needs (called a Carers’ Assessment) and give you the chance to discuss your role as a Carer and what help you may need to:

  • Support you as a carer.
  • Maintain your own health.
  • Balance caring with other aspects of your life, like work and family, looking at both your current and future needs.
  • Discuss the emergency carers scheme in the event that you become unwell.

As a result of completing the assessment they may provide services to help you in your caring role or to maintain your own health and well-being. It can also look at the needs of the person you care for. This could be done separately, or together, depending on the situation.

Please complete a carer registration form either online or from reception and hand it back to reception once complete.

Gloucestershire Carers Hub is part of the PeoplePlus group’s independence services, which empowers people with a range of support needs to lead independent lives. The Carers Hub aims to support Carers across the region to access a one stop shop for advice and support. They endeavour to be the listening ear and the supportive hand for Carers seeking guidance.

Local support

National support

  • Carers UK

    They’re here to make sure that no matter how complicated your query or your experience, you don’t have to care alone.

    0808 808 7777

    Carers UK


  • Priority Services

    In an emergency when power/water/ phone lines are disabled if an individual joins the priority services register and they have a care / health need they will be prioritised to get back on line/ get emergency support.

    Western Power
    I rely on my service and need it repaired urgently | BT Help

    Most Gas suppliers have a priority register as does the water board.

  • Carers Trust

    Carers Trust is a major charity for, with and about carers. Find help about money and benefits, getting a break, health and wellbeing, getting out and about.


  • Social care and support guide

    If you or someone you know needs help with day-to-day living because of illness or disability, this guide explains your options and where you can get support.

    NHS: Social care and support guide

  • Help at Home Bracelets

    Telecare as part of their assessment may also be able to offer a ‘help me home’ bracelet – this is a silicone bracelet that has a contact number for a helpline and a reference id that a person with dementia can show someone. The reference id then links to that individuals records and contacts.

    To make a referral for one of the Telecare Help Me Home ID bracelets he would need to go through the Adult Help Desk. Either call 01452 426868 or complete the online referral form.

    If someone is not eligible for telecare (you require more than just the need for the bracelet – Adult Social Care can advise) then they can be purchased privately, one option is:

  • Support for defence personnel and their families

    Royal British Legion
    Support starts after seven days of service and continues through life.
    0808 802 8080


    RAFA (Royal Air Forces Association)
    The charity that supports the RAF family.
    0300 102 1919


    SSAFA (Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Families Association)
    The Gloucestershire branch of SSAFA, the Armed Forces charity.
    01452 520255
