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Drugs and alcohol

  • Drinkaware

    Digital tools to help you assess, track and set goals to reduce your drinking.

    Drinkaware tools

  • Drinkline

    If you’re worried about your own or someone else’s drinking, you can call this free helpline, in complete confidence.

    0300 123 1110

  • Talk to Frank

    If you have a problem with drugs, you can Talk to Frank for friendly, confidential drugs advice.

    0300 123 6600


    Talk to Frank


  • NHS Drink Free Days

    Drink Free Days is for people who like a drink but want some support in tracking and cutting down on the booze as well as better understanding the risks.

    Google Play Store
    Download NHS Drink Free Days on the Google Play Store

    Apple App Store
    Download NHS Drink Free Days on the Apple App Store

  • Alcoholics Anonymous

    Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking.

    0800 9177 650

    Alcoholics Anonymous Great Britain


  • Change, Grow, Live

    The hub acts as a base for services such as health and wellbeing interventions, assessment and recovery planning, clinical services and housing advice.

    01452 223014



  • Gloucestershire Self Management – Live Better to Feel Better

    Self-management is about finding ways, and learning techniques, which enable you to control your long-term health condition, rather than having it control you.
    The Live Better to Feel Better course has been designed with you in mind, to provide you with these techniques as well as the confidence and awareness to use them appropriately.

    Live Better to Feel Better (PDF)
    LBFB Poster (PDF)

    0300 421 1623


  • Rehab 4 Addiction

    Rehab 4 Addiction is an advisory and referral service for people who suffer from alcohol, drug and behavioural addiction.

    0800 140 4690


  • With You – Alcohol Helpline

    The alcohol, drug and mental health charity With You recently commissioned a poll that found 1 in 2 adults aged over 50 are drinking at a level that could cause them health problems now, or in the future. The poll also found more than four million adults aged over 50s are binge drinking at least once a week during lockdown. In this population, factors such as retirement, bereavement, isolation and loss of sense of purpose can lead to increased alcohol use and this may be exacerbated by the pandemic.
    In response, With You has launched an over 50s Alcohol Helpline providing support and advice to individuals aged over 50 worried about their drinking, and their concerned others. This will be available 7 days a week; Monday to Friday at 12:00-20:00 and 10:00-16:00 at weekends.

    0808 801 0750


  • Cancer risk for Drinkers and Smokers

    recent study compared the risks of alcohol and smoking with developing cancers of the throat, breast, bowel and liver.
    Many people know that smoking causes cancer but underestimate the risk of alcohol. The research showed that when compared to a teetotal person:
    – If 1,000 men drink a bottle of wine per week an extra 10 men will develop cancer.
    – If 1,000 women drink a bottle of wine per week an extra 14 women will develop cancer.
    What’s the ‘cigarette equivalent’ of alcohol consumption?
    The researchers next calculated the ‘cigarette equivalent’ – how much would you have to smoke to increase your cancer risk by the same amount as a bottle of wine? 
    – Five cigarettes per week for men
    – Ten cigarettes per week for men

    It is important not to under estimate the risks associated with alcohol consumption and developing cancer. If you would like to reduce your alcohol intake but are struggling please seek advice from local service Change Grow Live.

  • Drink Less Alcohol

    Information about the affect alcohol has on your health and the benefits of reducing your alcohol intake.

    Macmillan- Drink less alcohol (PDF)