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Bump and birth


  • To improve your chance of success when trying to conceive (fertility treatment)

    To improve your chance of success when trying to conceive you should consider:
    – Both partners stopping smoking.
    – Ensuring you are eating a healthy diet and consider taking an antenatal supplement which contains folic acid and vitamin D.
    – If you are under 35 years old and having regular periods we advise you to continue trying and make the recommended health adjustments as most couples fall pregnant within two years.
    – If you have been trying to conceive for over two years and are under 35 years please make an appointment for the GP to arrange some tests for yourself (blood test) and your partner will need to see his usual GP for semen analysis.
    – If you are aged over 35 and have been trying to get pregnant for 12 months please see a GP.
    – If you are trying to conceive and not fallen pregnant after 12 months and have irregular or absent periods please see a GP to discuss your issues.
    – Depending on your blood and semen tests results you will be referred onto a specialist in fertility who will discuss your options.

    Please be aware that in Gloucestershire there are restrictions on who is eligible for funding towards fertility treatment:
    – Neither partner can have any living children from the current or previous relationship.
    – Neither partner can be a smoker or have issues around dependence with substance or alcohol misuse.
    – The female partner must be under age 40 and have a BMI between 19-30.
    – Neither partner can have previously been sterilised.


  • Diabetic and thinking of becoming pregnant?

    If you have type 1 or type 2 Diabetes and are considering pregnancy it is better to have pre-pregnancy counselling to discuss your options. This is because many diabetic medications and associated medications that are used for blood pressure and cholesterol should not be used prior to becoming pregnant and during pregnancy.
    Having diabetes increases the risk of complications to mother and baby. It is important that there is tight blood sugar control and this includes levels in the few months prior to conception.
    Because there are an increased risk of heart and spinal cord abnormalities in babies born to diabetic mothers , we advise that you take 5mg folic acid which is only available on prescription.
    The Diabetes Consultants are very clear that they prefer to meet with patients before they become pregnant to look at medication and plan for future pregnancies. This helps to reduce the risk of complications during pregnancy leading to better outcomes for mothers and babies.


Pregnancy and birth

  • Found out you are pregnant, what happens now?

    Gloucestershire hospitals has booking system for people who are newly pregnant or have moved into the area and would like to access midwifery services in Gloucestershire.

    Rather than presenting to a GP surgery, you can access maternity services via a portal on the Gloucestershire Hospitals website. Once the simple booking form has been submitted, a midwife from your local team will make contact within a few days.

    You can make contact as early as you wish after a positive pregnancy test, but ideally, before 10 weeks of pregnancy so your midwife can discuss relevant information about your personal and family history which may impact on your pregnancy.

    To ensure the wellbeing of you and your baby, it’s vital that you have antenatal care, and this is your first step.
    If you require assistance completing the form or experience any difficulties, please still attend your GP Practice.

    Your first midwife appointment (

  • Maternity Services at Gloucestershire Royal Hospital

    Maternity Advice Line/Triage
    0300 422 5541

    Delivery Suite
    0300 422 5542

    The Birth Unit
    0300 422 5523

    Maternity ward
    0300 422 5520

    Maternity Outpatients
    0300 422 6103

    Neo-natal Unit
    0300 422 5529


  • MAMA Academy

    MAMA Academy’s mission is to empower all maternity professionals and expectant parents on stillbirth prevention methods to help more babies arrive safely.

    07427 851670

    MAMA Academy


  • Baby Buddy: Pregnancy & Parent

    Baby Buddy is an award winning mobile phone app for new parents and parents-to-be, created by mums, doctors and midwives.

    Google Play Store
    Download Baby Buddy on the Google Play Store

    Apple App Store
    Download Baby Buddy on the Apple App Store

  • Tommy’s

    Tommy’s provides information and support to empower parents during pregnancy.


  • NHS Pregnancy

    This guide includes all you need to know about trying for a baby, pregnancy, labour and birth.

    NHS: Pregnancy

  • Bumps – Best use of medicine in pregnancy (Leaflets A-Z)

    This information is not intended to replace the individual care and advice of your health care provider. The decision to start, stop, continue or change a medicine before or during pregnancy should be made together with your health care provider. When deciding whether or not to use a medicine in pregnancy you need to weigh up how the medicine might improve your and/or your unborn baby’s health against any possible problems that the drug may cause.


  • Hypnobirthing

    Our hypnobirthing service, run by our midwives, is proving really popular with mums-to-be. As an addition to our free-of-charge antenatal education provision, these classes have a small charge, but some concessionary rates are available.
    You can attend from 28 weeks’ pregnant.

    You can book or find out more by emailing

  • Keeping Active During Pregnancy

    You may get told that pregnancy is a good time to put your feet up but if your pregnancy is uncomplicated it is actually much healthier for you and your baby to exercise while pregnant.

    0800 0147 800

    Being healthy during pregnancy

  • Would you like to Stop Smoking?

    With support, people are four times more likely to successfully stop smoking.
    Healthy Lifestyles Gloucestershire will help you every step of the way.

    HLS Gloucestershire – Stop Smoking

  • Gestational Diabetes

    Gestational Diabetes is the development of raised blood sugar readings during pregnancy. If you develop gestational diabetes it can lead to complications during your pregnancy for you and your baby.

    If you have had Gestational Diabetes before and become pregnant again please contact the GP again as soon as you are aware as you will need to be seen in the joint antenatal and diabetic clinic. The specialists are keen to see you early on in your pregnancy.
    If you would like to reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes please look at joining our Eat Real Food programme.


  • Coronavirus Infection and Pregnancy

    Please view the below Q&A’s and information for pregnant women and their families


Mental health during pregnancy

  • Struggling with your Mental Health?

    Pregnancy can be very stressful and some women struggle with feelings of anxiety and or depression. If you are feeling this way please let your midwife know.

    Let’s Talk – offers a priority service to pregnant patients – provides free, confidential support and advice.
    0800 073 2200

    The Association for Post Natal Illness runs a helpline, provides information and has  a network of volunteers. Phone
    0207 386 0868

  • Dad Matters Gloucestershire

    Supporting dads in Gloucestershire to have the best possible relationship with their families.

    01453 821340


    Dad Matters information leaflet (PDF)



    PANDAS supports anyone, including fathers and partners, suffering from pre (antenatal) and postnatal illnesses.

    0843 28 98 401


  • Samaritans

    Samaritans offer a confidential listening service. You can call them at any time about whatever’s getting to you.

    116 123 


  • Miscarriage (Bereavement Services)

    The death of a baby is devastating to parents and their families.
    At the Women’s Centre at Gloucester Royal Hospital they have two special suites in which you and your family can spend time with your baby and prepare for your return home.
    You will be put in touch with one of the specialist bereavement midwives who will help you to find the best way for you and your partner to cope with your loss.
    It may also help to talk about your feelings with other parents who have lost a baby in a similar way. SANDS has a Gloucestershire branch, run by our midwives, and can offer support and put you in touch with other parents who can offer friendly help.

    SANDS (the Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society) 

Antenatal care

  • Health Visitor

    Your Health Visitor will usually contact to meet with you around two weeks after baby has been born and you have been discharged by the Midwifery Team.
    They are able to support you with many issues until your baby starts school or turns five.

    Gloucestershire Care Services

    Keeping fit and healthy with a baby

  • Healthy Start

    With Healthy Start, you get free vouchers every week to spend on milk, plain fresh and frozen fruit and vegetables, and infant formula milk. You can also get free vitamins. You could qualify if you’re on benefits, or if you’re pregnant and under 18.

    Get help to buy food and milk (Healthy Start)

  • Start for Life

    Trusted NHS help and advice during pregnancy, birth and parenthood.

    Start for life

Infant feeding