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Breathing problems

  • Asthma

    Asthma is a common condition that affects the airways with typical symptoms being wheezing, coughing, chest tightness, and shortness of breath. Treatment usually works well to ease and prevent symptoms.

    If you have been advised by the surgery to submit an annual review of your asthma symptoms please use this form. If your symptoms are deteriorating or you are having any concerns please make an appointment with our Nurse.

    Asthma: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a long-term condition of the lungs where the flow of air to the lungs is restricted (obstructed). The condition is most often caused by smoking and stopping smoking is always advised as the best treatment.

    COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)

  • British Lung Foundation

    British Lung Foundation is the only UK charity looking after the nation’s lungs and has been researching lung conditions for 30 years. Its aim is to improve care – and to prevent, treat and cure lung diseases.


  • How to use your inhaler

    Improve your inhaler technique in three minutes. Watch these short videos to learn how to use your inhaler properly and better manage your respiratory symptoms.


  • British Lung Foundation – Coronavirus Support

    Here you’ll find all our information about coronavirus and useful links for the latest updates. The new type of coronavirus which causes an illness called COVID-19 is now spreading in countries across the world including the UK.

    03000 030 555


  • Asthma UK Helpline

    Questions about your medicines? Worried about your child’s asthma symptoms? Want to reduce your risk of an asthma attack?

    0300 222 5800


  • Asthma UK Resources

    Our award-winning resources have been created using the most trusted evidence and evaluated by healthcare professionals and people with asthma.


  • Complete the Cycle Scheme

    Complete the Cycle is the first national recycling and recovery scheme for respiratory inhalers. We want to reduce waste and greenhouse gases by moving towards a more environmentally sustainable treatment of respiratory disease.

    Complete the cycle scheme (PDF)

  • Bronchiectasis

    Information about bronchiectasis, its causes, diagnosis and how to live with a lung condition.

    Bronchiectasis | Asthma + Lung UK

  • Malnutrition Pathway

    Managing Adult Malnutrition, including a pathway for the appropriate use of
    oral nutritional supplements (ONS).


    Eating well for your Lungs (PDF)

    Your guide to making the most of your food (PDF)

    Nutrition support in COPD (PDF)

  • Mind Song

    Breathe in Sing out is all about taking an active part in managing your breathing. The aim is to improve the physical, emotional and social effects of COPD on your everyday life, and to introduce an enjoyable way of self-managing your lung condition.
    Each group is run by an experienced leader with a good understanding of COPD and respiratory conditions.

    Breathe in Sing out – Mindsong

  • Keeping Active with a Lung Condition

    If you have a lung condition, being active can help to improve your quality of life and help you manage your condition.
