Gloucestershire Integrated Care Board (ICB) has invited all GP practices in Gloucestershire to review their practice boundary and apply if they would like to expand or reduce it. These applications will then be considered in detail in March 2025.
A practice boundary determines the catchment area where a GP practice will accept full registrations from patients. Aspen Medical Practice currently accepts registrations from patients who live outside our boundary but only as an ‘out of area patient’ (without home visiting rights). Full details of this are available on our website.
Aspen Medical Practice has applied to the ICB to expand our practice boundary to cover the three additional areas shown in the map below (labelled A, B C). We do not plan to reduce our boundary.
Why are you proposing to increase your boundary?
We believe an expansion of our boundary will be beneficial for the following reasons:
- Aspen Medical Practice aims to offer registrations to patients throughout the city of Gloucester. Due to the expansion of housing estates in Gloucester our boundary no longer matches the outline of the city. Our proposal aims to realign our boundary with the outline of the city.
- Our boundary currently intersects several roads and housing estates (e.g. one side of the road may be within our practice area whereas the other side isn’t). This can make it confusing and challenging for patients and staff during the registration process.
- Some areas in our proposed expansion are currently only served by one GP practice. Increasing our boundary will increase choice for patients when choosing where to register.
Will this affect me?
We do not believe expanding our boundary will substantially increase our patient numbers and should have no impact on patients already registered with us. However, should our patient number increase then this would allow us to invest in further services and additional clinician time for the benefit of all patients.
Patients currently registered with us as an ‘out of area patient’ would be able to transfer to full registration if the boundary expansion is approved.

Have your say
The practice welcomes views on the proposal to expand our boundary. Your views will be considered by the practice and the ICB to understand if the proposal will have any impact that we haven’t thought about.
You can tell us your view by completing the short survey at
The survey will be open until 12pm on 12th February 2025.