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Seeing the right doctor

I wish to have a Ring Pessary replaced

Ring Pessaries should be replaced every six months, please order your repeat prescription for a new pessary and book an appointment with:

Dr Holdcroft, Dr Kanan, Dr Kuok, Dr Meade, Dr Sarkar, Dr Quentin, Dr Fisher, or ANP Sarah Ron.

Who can remove my copper/IUD coil?

If you wish to have your coil removed because you no longer require contraception or are trying to conceive, please book an appointment with:

Dr Meade and Dr Sarkar.

I have a skin lesion I am worried about

All our doctors are able to examine you but, if possible, please see the following doctors who have a special interest in skin and are trained in using a high-resolution microscope called a dermatoscope:

Dr Hodges, Dr Ajayi and Dr Islam.

I have a painful joint and would like to discuss treatment options

All our doctors are trained to examine joints. However, some doctors have undergone additional training to inject steroids into a painful joint, which can help with inflammation. It may be that on examination an injection is not the best plan for you and alternatives will be discussed or that an X-ray is required.

However, the following doctors inject the following joints:

Dr Hodges is able to perform joint injections of knees and elbows.

Dr Jarvis is able to perform joint injections of shoulders, elbows, fingers, knees and trochanteric bursitis (superficial hip area).

Dr Kuok is able to perform joint injections for shoulders, elbows, knees and trochanteric bursitis (superficial hip area).

Dr Kingscote is able to perform joint injections for shoulders, knees, trigger fingers, tennis elbow, be quervain’s synovitis and osteoarthritis of the thumb.

Additional special interest areas

Dr Fisher has a special interest in sexual and reproductive health and medical education.

Dr Hodges has an interest in dermatology, minor surgery, diabetes and frailty.

Dr Holdcroft has an interest in child health, perinatal health and women’s health.

Dr Islam has an interest in dermatology and minor surgery.

Dr Jarvis has an interest in drug & alcohol addiction, learning disabilities, teenage health, osteoporosis and works in the homeless health centre one day a week.

Dr H Khalid has an interest in musculoskeletal medicine and migraines.

Dr Kuok has in interest in lifestyle medicine, diabetes and palliative care.

Dr Marksteiner has an interest in anticoagulation.

Dr Meade has an interest in COPD, asthma, and women’s health.

Dr Morris has an interest in men’s health.

Dr Orme has an interest in domestic violence and respiratory conditions.

Dr Quentin has an interest in women’s health and mental health.

Dr Raj has an interest in child health, elderly care and frailty.

ANP Sarah Ron has an interest in women’s health, COPD, asthma and travel medicine.

Dr Sarkar has an interest in women’s health.